Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

We have an exciting boy led program that has a strong emphasis on duty to God, utilizes the patrol method, and ignites a passion for the outdoors.

15 October 2013

Apple Festival

The Apple Festival is this weekend in Waynesville and we have been asked to be there no later than 9:15am. Some of the scouts will be camping at Pinnacle on Friday night and leaving together to get to the festival. If you would like to camp, just let Nick Abbott know. If you don't camp, please be at the tent in Waynesville by 9am and no later than 9:15.

Everyone is asked to participate. We need about 10 people all day long and I know that some people can't be there all day. It takes a lot of work but it is also a lot of fun. Hope to see you there.

29 May 2013

Help Needed

I just received a call requesting help from the folks who are putting on the carnival in Canton. They need help picking up several pieces of asphalt around the carnival grounds before they can open up on Thursday evening. They are asking for our help tomorrow morning (30 May 2013). If you can help (you will receive service hours), please give me a call in the morning (I'm on my way to bed now) or just show up in the morning at 10:00am. I have to work but I am going to try to get there to help as well. It's not often that we are called upon to provide assistance in this manner but they are in a bind and I would like for our Troop to step up and help. Sorry for the short notice but I just received the call and they were just made aware of the issue.

Hope to see you in the morning.

03 April 2013

Location Change for Hike

Due to lack of room at the proposed backcountry campsites in the park, we have changed our plans to hike from Lemon Gap to Max Patch via the Appalachian Trail. This is a relatively easy hike. Total mileage of 6mi. and an elevation of 1000ft. The first evening we will hike about a mile to a camping area and then we will pack up the next morning and move to Max Patch. Should be a good trip so I hope you will plan to attend.

See you Friday!

18 January 2013

Thinking Back!

With the weather outside I thought I would share a picture from when I was a scout. My dad is the one kneeling down cooking and I am behind the boy in the foreground in the white shirt. Notice the tent under the snow covered tree in the background. This was Operation Cold Spot at Camp Daniel Boone on January 17, 1976.

I still love to camp when there is snow on the ground.

Great memories! I hope that the current scouts in our troop realize the memories they are building now.