Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

We have an exciting boy led program that has a strong emphasis on duty to God, utilizes the patrol method, and ignites a passion for the outdoors.

22 April 2011

OA Dixie Fellowship at Camp Daniel Boone

April 15th-17th at Camp Daniel Boone was the time and place for this year's Dixie Fellowship. This is a big event for the Order of the Arrow, Scouting's honor society. Our troop sent its first two delegates to the Dixie, Chris Skinner and Nick Abbott. They both had alot of fun and enjoyed the many things that Dixie had to offer. Especially the patch trading. Both Chris and Nick said that they desire for more members of their troop get elected into the OA, because they know that their fellow Scouts would love what the Order of the Arrow stands for and enjoy OA events as much as they have.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very well run event and I look forward to having more of our scouts being involved in the OA. The next Dixi Fellowship is in the Charlotte area and I hope to take a good group from our troop!
