Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

We have an exciting boy led program that has a strong emphasis on duty to God, utilizes the patrol method, and ignites a passion for the outdoors.

30 January 2011

News from the Cataloochee District Banquet...

This past Saturday, the Cataloochee District held their annual district Banquet in Franklin, NC. Among the awards presented was the District Award for Scoutmaster of the Year. There can be only one a year, and this year it was our very own Scoutmaster, Tim Mathews. During the presentation, they cited examples of how Tim has done the right thing with his troop. From putting on a program for four boys that was of the same quality as a program for a troop with twenty boys, to ensuring that the boys embraced the Patrol Method. No matter what, Tim's commitment to excellence has shown through time and time again.
Tim, we the Scouts and Scouters of Troop 326 salute you! You deserve this award that our district has given you, and we look forward to many more years of learning from the example that you live. Thank you for all that you do to make the success of this troop possible!

27 January 2011


For those of us who went camping this month it is probably hard to believe that we haven’t already experienced cold spot but the actual event is still a couple of weeks away. Operation Cold Spot will begin Friday, February 18 and run through Sunday, February 20. The cost of this event is $8 per scout and $3 for adults. We will need to have commitments by this Monday. You should let your patrol leader know if you are planning to attend.
This will be our second year attending this event and I believe that we will be much better prepared for the competitions.

20 January 2011

Another Reminder about Camping

Just wanted to remind scouts that you need to bring your own mess kit and utensils this weekend. Remember what I said at our last court of honor! Also, be sure to bring snacks and drinks to last the weekend (only overnight). It will be cold on Saturday night so “Be Prepared”. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

On another note, we have been invited to join our cub pack for swimming at the Waynesville Recreation Center Sunday after church. The cost is $3 and you will have to get there on your own. We will not be taking the van.

19 January 2011

Cold Weather Camping at CDB

It is January and this month's camping will be at the Junaluska Campsite at Camp Daniel Boone. The Junaluska Campsite has been upgraded with the new 4-bunk cabins so we will not be needing tents. However, you will definately be needing a good sleeping bag!! Even though we are in cabins, it is still winter and it does get cold at night. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU BRING THE APPROPRIATE GEAR!! If you have any questions as to what gear you should bring.... please talk with your patrol leader. (Chris Skinner for the Coyote Patrol, and Blake Radder for the Cobra Patrol.) All Scouts will be responsible for their own meals, either as a patrol or individually, that is to be determined by patrol. Since there is Saturday school, we will only be camping one night instead of the planned two nights. We will meet at Pinnacle Church at 2:00pm on Saturday, Jan. 22nd. From there we will load into the church van and head on over to Camp. This weekend is also an Order of the Arrow work weekend and we will be doing a service project to assist them with their goal. Please wear your Class B uniforms for this service project (feel free to wear other layers underneath it). On Sunday morning we will be coming back to Pinnacle in time for their worship service. Class A uniforms are required for Sunday morning. You may have your ride be ready to pick you up after the worship service.