Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

We have an exciting boy led program that has a strong emphasis on duty to God, utilizes the patrol method, and ignites a passion for the outdoors.

26 September 2011

Court of Honor

Don't forget that Court of Honor is tonight. Everyone wear your class "A" uniforms. We have a lot of advancements and merit badges to award plus some other awards. Hope to see everyone there. Also, don't forget to bring you parents.

See you tonight!

04 September 2011

Committee Meeting

Because of the Holiday on Monday, the Troop Committee Meeting has been postponed till Monday the 12th. Please be sure to attend this meeting as we need to discuss popcorn sales, recharter, and other issues. Our next Court of Honor is coming up and we have a tremendous amount of work to do to get ready. We will be presenting all the merit badges and advancements that the boys have completed since summer camp. There are also some special awards that we need to present. Hope to see you on the 12th.