Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

We have an exciting boy led program that has a strong emphasis on duty to God, utilizes the patrol method, and ignites a passion for the outdoors.

20 October 2011

October Camping at Pinnacle and Apple Festival

Every year about this time, we role out the troop's calendar for the upcoming twelve months. To make that happen we have a weekend long planning session that involves multiple Patrol Leader's Councils and Patrol Meetings so that the boys can hammer out fun activities and campouts that they will get the most out of. We also managed to squeeze a fundraiser and a couple of service prjects as well. Great work guys!

11 October 2011

September Camping

We will be camping this weekend on Pinnacle Church property. If you are uncertain about what you will need to bring, contact your patrol leader. We spent time on Monday planning meals and getting prepared for the event. This will also be an opportunity for us to do a fund raiser by helping out at the Apple Festival. Be sure to bring you class "A" uniform. We will be wearing them during our work at the festival and again on Sunday morning when we attend church at Pinnacle. Be sure to invite your parents to join us for Church.

Court of Honor

Our September Court of Honor was great. We had numerous merit badges, awards, and rank advancements to give out. The event was well attended and we had a great time. Thanks to everyone who was able to attend. Just a reminder that our Court of Honor events are an opportunity to show your parents and other family and friends what you have been up to, so be sure to invite them. Our next COH will be in December and we will celebrate Christmas as well. I am posting some pictures for your pleasure.